Our Mission
Our mission is to establish artistic and economic outlets in impoverished areas by providing free and low cost quality art programs for children, adults and seniors. Our goal is to build self-esteem, confidence, racial equity and employment through artistic mediums and to give clients beneficial support tools to use in their future and in the community at large.
“Action… Art...Allowing the Spirit to Create”.
Our History
In 2001 Cinetrea Williams founded 619 Productions. Her goal was to create an organization that used arts to positively impact the community. 619 Productions has served over 4000 children, approximately 2500 adults and over 250 seniors. We have worked at 3 Tarrant County College locations, 4 Fort Worth Community Centers, local libraries, Fort Worth public schools, and city hall and other civic locations. We are a hub for Texas Workforce Commission training program and the SER Program for Seniors. We have provided internships with television networks, provided the free summer lunch program, and TAKS tutoring and have received awards from Tarrant County College and the Fort Worth Minority Leader and Citizens Council.